Studio and me
Studio Koivunen is located in Onkiniemi, Tampere. The studio has a very functional kitchen interior and a large variety of props for many kinds of photoshoots. The props are renewed on a regular basis. I can also print the shot material with an Epson 9900 large format printer and thus provide materials for example for fair stands etc. The selection of my lighting equipment fits perfectly for photoshoots in the studio as well as outdoors. Thanks to the large windows in the studio it is also possible to shoot with natural daylight.
In my work I always try to find an approach that’s classically aesthetic, but still original. The cornerstones for my work are in the sense of details and lighting – this is what makes my work look like me. I have participated in various Finnish Advertising Photographers Association’s competitions with good results. I also have held my own exhibition in August 2009 and August 2019. Photography is not only my job: it’s also my hobby.
Etsin työssäni klassisen esteettistä, mutta silti omintakeista näkökulmaa. Työnjälkeni rakentuu valon ja yksityiskohtien tajusta; tämä tekee töistäni minun näköisiäni. Olen osallistunut menestyksekkäästi Suomen Mainosvalokuvaajat ry:n kilpailuihin ja pitänyt yksityisnäyttelyt elokuussa 2009 sekä elokuussa 2019. Valokuvaus ei ole minulle vain työ: se on myös harrastukseni.